Glen Jacobs (Kane) was born on April 26, 1968, in Madrid Spain. He was trained by Ray Candy and Dean Malenko. He made his pro debut in either 1993 or 1994. The early part of his Career was marred by horrible gimmicks including the Christmas Creature (a Wrestling Christmas tree), Dr. Isaac Yankem DDS, and Fake Diesel. Despite Rumors and story lines, he is not related to the Undertaker or Paul bearer, never married Lita, Knew a Katie Vick, and only Glen Jacobs played the part of Kane.
After several months of threatening the Undertaker about a dark secret, Paul Bearer let the world know that Unertaker killed his family in a fire but his brother was still alive. At the first Hell in a cell match, Kane made his debt by costing Undertaker a match with Shawn a coffin at Royal Rumble 98.
Kane and Taker fought for the first time at Wrestlemania 14. Prior to this match, Kane attacked Pete Rose for the first of 3 consecutive Wrestlemaina attacks on Pete. The Kane vs. Undertaker feuss has been on and off since. Sometimes the Undertaker is the bad guy and sometimes Kane was the bad guy. They seem to turn on one another and became friends again on a regular basis.When Kane appeared, he wore mask and had sleeves to hide his disfigurement from the fire. He also was unable to speak without aid of a voice box. Today, Kane Wrestles without a mask or shirt on and can speak. In addition, he used to be dim-witted and continually threatened with being put in a mental asylum.